BCFE Virtual Graduation Friday 4th of December
BCFE’s Virtual Graduation and Conferring of Awards 2020 Friday 4th of December 2020 at 2pm
Go to Graduation page!!
BCFE is happy to announce to our 2020 graduands, their families and their friends, that we are holding a Virtual Graduation next Friday 4th of December 2020 (see the attached letter for more detail). The photographs below show some of the preparations. Importantly, students have been involved at various stages of the preparation process.
BCFE’s Virtual Graduation and Conferring of Awards ceremony will be hosted on the Graduation page of our website.
Post a photograph or share an experience or a video on our virtual wall by posting on your own Facebook account (and tag Ballyfermot College of Further Education) or Instagram account (and tag ballyfermotcollegeinsta).
Contact info@bcfe.cdetb.ie for further information.