The City of Dublin ETB is co-
funded by the
Government of
Ireland and the European Union.
Community & Social Services Level 5
Course Code SCH
NFQ Level 5
Duration 1 Year
QQI Code 5M4468
Award QQI Level 5 Certificate in Community Health Services
Why choose Community & Social Services?
This course is suitable for both mature students and school leavers who would like to pursue a fulfilling and rewarding career providing care and support to vulnerable people in the community, but who do not necessarily wish to be a healthcare/special needs assistant.
The aim of the course is to provide students with a knowledge and understanding of social care theories and best practice, and the opportunity to gain employment in the sector or progress to further or higher education.
Students on this course complete a work experience placement, in a two week block, in a range of caring situations, such as working with elderly people, people experiencing/recovering from addiction, people with mental health issues, disadvantaged youth or people with physical or intellectual disabilities.
What will you study?
- Care Provision and Practice (5N2705)
- Human Growth and Development (5N1279)
- Communications (5N0690)
- Work Experience (5N1356)
- Equality and Disability (5N1273)
- Behavioural Studies (5N1351)
- Family Studies (5N4466)
- Community Addiction Studies (5N1834)
- Mental Health Awareness (6N2209)
Course Features
- First Aid training and certification
- Patient and Manual Handling Training course with certificate upon completion
What do you need to apply?
Please refer to the Entry Requirements.
Progression & Career Opportunities
- Graduates with a Merit profile may apply for entry to the Advanced Certificate in Social Care Studies Level 6, (SVC) in BCFE.
- Graduates of this course may also apply through the CAO and/or the Higher Education Links Scheme for entry to higher and advanced certificate and degree programmes at national Institutes of Technology, Technological Universities and Universities (applicants should confirm linked awards and eligibility requirements with the relevant Higher Education Institution).
- While many graduates from this course progress onto further education, some progress immediately into employment in a variety of care and community