Information for International Students

Information for International Students

Information Booklet for Applicants on Access to Labour Market

Non-EU National fee €3,654 with relevant visa refer to

Non-EU National Eligible International Protection Applicants refer to

Ukrainian Students

Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) has announced:

  • Ukrainians will be treated as European students and will not be subjected to international fees
  • Displaced Ukrainian students will also be eligible to access the Springboard+ programme and PLC courses
  • DFHERIS will provide direct financial support, for a limited period of one year, in the form of a bursary of circa €6,115 (per person per annum) to be paid in instalments to qualified persons who attend a SOLAS approved PLC course in the 2022/23 academic year.
  • The scheme will be administered by SUSI and will not be means tested.
  • In Budget 2021 the government announced the abolition of the €200 Post Leaving Cert levy for 2022/23 for all PLC learners

See press release here.

Further Information

  1. Coming to study in Ireland
  2. ILEP
  3. Visa applications
  4. Registering your permission